Source code for mesa_geo.geoagent

GeoAgent and AgentCreator classes

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
import warnings

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pyproj
from mesa import Agent
from shapely.geometry import mapping
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.ops import transform

from mesa_geo.geo_base import GeoBase

[docs] class GeoAgent(Agent, GeoBase): """ Base class for a geo model agent. """ def __init__(self, unique_id, model, geometry, crs): """ Create a new agent. :param unique_id: Unique ID for the agent. :param model: The model the agent is in. :param geometry: A Shapely object representing the geometry of the agent. :param crs: The coordinate reference system of the geometry. """ Agent.__init__(self, unique_id, model) GeoBase.__init__(self, crs=crs) self.geometry = geometry @property def total_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray | None: if self.geometry is not None: return self.geometry.bounds else: return None
[docs] def to_crs(self, crs, inplace=False) -> GeoAgent | None: super()._to_crs_check(crs) agent = self if inplace else copy.copy(self) if not transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(, crs_to=crs, always_xy=True ) agent.geometry = agent.get_transformed_geometry(transformer) = crs if not inplace: return agent
[docs] def get_transformed_geometry(self, transformer): """ Return the transformed geometry given a transformer. """ return transform(transformer.transform, self.geometry)
[docs] def step(self): """ Advance one step. """
def __geo_interface__(self): """ Return a GeoJSON Feature. Removes geometry from attributes. """ properties = dict(vars(self)) properties["model"] = str(self.model) geometry = properties.pop("geometry") geometry = transform(, geometry) return { "type": "Feature", "geometry": mapping(geometry), "properties": properties, }
[docs] class AgentCreator: """ Create GeoAgents from files, GeoDataFrames, GeoJSON or Shapely objects. """ def __init__(self, agent_class, model=None, crs=None, agent_kwargs=None): """ Define the agent_class and required agent_kwargs. :param agent_class: The class of the agent to create. :param model: The model to create the agent in. :param crs: The coordinate reference system of the agent. Default to None, and the crs from the file/GeoDataFrame/GeoJSON will be used. Otherwise, geometries are converted into this crs automatically. :param agent_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the agent_class. Must NOT include unique_id. """ if agent_kwargs and "unique_id" in agent_kwargs: agent_kwargs.remove("unique_id") warnings.warn( "Unique_id should not be in the agent_kwargs", UserWarning, stacklevel=2 ) self.agent_class = agent_class self.model = model = crs self.agent_kwargs = agent_kwargs if agent_kwargs else {} @property def crs(self): """ Return the coordinate reference system of the GeoAgents. """ return self._crs @crs.setter def crs(self, crs): """ Set the coordinate reference system of the GeoAgents. """ self._crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs) if crs else None
[docs] def create_agent(self, geometry, unique_id): """ Create a single agent from a geometry and a unique_id. Shape must be a valid Shapely object. :param geometry: The geometry of the agent. :param unique_id: The unique_id of the agent. :return: The created agent. :rtype: self.agent_class """ if not isinstance(geometry, BaseGeometry): raise TypeError("Geometry must be a Shapely Geometry") if not raise TypeError( f"Unable to set CRS for {self.agent_class.__name__} due to empty CRS in {self.__class__.__name__}" ) new_agent = self.agent_class( unique_id=unique_id, model=self.model, geometry=geometry,, **self.agent_kwargs, ) return new_agent
[docs] def from_GeoDataFrame(self, gdf, unique_id="index", set_attributes=True): """ Create a list of agents from a GeoDataFrame. :param gdf: The GeoDataFrame to create agents from. :param unique_id: The column name of the data to use as the agents unique_id. If "index", the index of the GeoDataFrame is used. Default to "index". :param set_attributes: Set agent attributes from GeoDataFrame columns. Default True. """ if unique_id != "index": gdf = gdf.set_index(unique_id) if if gdf.to_crs(, inplace=True) else: gdf.set_crs(, inplace=True) else: if = else: raise TypeError( f"Unable to set CRS for {self.agent_class.__name__} due to empty CRS in both " f"{self.__class__.__name__} and {gdf.__class__.__name__}." ) agents = [] for index, row in gdf.iterrows(): geometry = row[] new_agent = self.create_agent(geometry=geometry, unique_id=index) if set_attributes: for col in row.index: if col != setattr(new_agent, col, row[col]) agents.append(new_agent) return agents
[docs] def from_file(self, filename, unique_id="index", set_attributes=True): """ Create agents from vector data files (e.g. Shapefiles). :param filename: The vector data file to create agents from. :param unique_id: The column name of the data to use as the agents unique_id. If "index", the index of the GeoDataFrame is used. Default to "index". :param set_attributes: Set agent attributes from GeoDataFrame columns. Default True. """ gdf = gpd.read_file(filename) agents = self.from_GeoDataFrame( gdf, unique_id=unique_id, set_attributes=set_attributes ) return agents
[docs] def from_GeoJSON( self, GeoJSON, # noqa: N803 unique_id="index", set_attributes=True, ): """ Create agents from a GeoJSON object or string. CRS is set to epsg:4326. :param GeoJSON: The GeoJSON object or string to create agents from. :param unique_id: The column name of the data to use as the agents unique_id. If "index", the index of the GeoDataFrame is used. Default to "index". :param set_attributes: Set agent attributes from GeoDataFrame columns. Default True. """ gj = json.loads(GeoJSON) if isinstance(GeoJSON, str) else GeoJSON gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(gj) # epsg:4326 is the CRS for all GeoJSON: = "epsg:4326" agents = self.from_GeoDataFrame( gdf, unique_id=unique_id, set_attributes=set_attributes ) return agents