Source code for mesa_geo.raster_layers

Raster Layers

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import itertools
import math
import uuid
from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
from typing import Any, cast, overload

import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
from affine import Affine
from mesa.agent import Agent
from import Coordinate, accept_tuple_argument
from rasterio.warp import (

from mesa_geo.geo_base import GeoBase

[docs] class RasterBase(GeoBase): """ Base class for raster layers. """ _width: int _height: int _transform: Affine _total_bounds: np.ndarray # [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] def __init__(self, width, height, crs, total_bounds): """ Initialize a raster base layer. :param width: Width of the raster base layer. :param height: Height of the raster base layer. :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the raster base layer. :param total_bounds: Bounds of the raster base layer in [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] format. """ super().__init__(crs) self._width = width self._height = height self._total_bounds = total_bounds self._update_transform() @property def width(self) -> int: """ Return the width of the raster base layer. :return: Width of the raster base layer. :rtype: int """ return self._width @width.setter def width(self, width: int) -> None: """ Set the width of the raster base layer. :param int width: Width of the raster base layer. """ self._width = width self._update_transform() @property def height(self) -> int: """ Return the height of the raster base layer. :return: Height of the raster base layer. :rtype: int """ return self._height @height.setter def height(self, height: int) -> None: """ Set the height of the raster base layer. :param int height: Height of the raster base layer. """ self._height = height self._update_transform() @property def total_bounds(self) -> np.ndarray | None: return self._total_bounds @total_bounds.setter def total_bounds(self, total_bounds: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Set the bounds of the raster base layer in [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] format. :param np.ndarray total_bounds: Bounds of the raster base layer in [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] format. """ self._total_bounds = total_bounds self._update_transform() @property def transform(self) -> Affine: """ Return the affine transformation of the raster base layer. :return: Affine transformation of the raster base layer. :rtype: Affine """ return self._transform @property def resolution(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Returns the (width, height) of a cell in the units of CRS. :return: Width and height of a cell in the units of CRS. :rtype: Tuple[float, float] """ a, b, _, d, e, _, _, _, _ = self.transform return math.sqrt(a**2 + d**2), math.sqrt(b**2 + e**2) def _update_transform(self) -> None: self._transform = rio.transform.from_bounds( *self.total_bounds, width=self.width, height=self.height )
[docs] def to_crs(self, crs, inplace=False) -> RasterBase | None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def out_of_bounds(self, pos: Coordinate) -> bool: """ Determines whether position is off the grid. :param Coordinate pos: Position to check. :return: True if position is off the grid, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ x, y = pos return x < 0 or x >= self.width or y < 0 or y >= self.height
[docs] class Cell(Agent): """ Cells are containers of raster attributes, and are building blocks of `RasterLayer`. """ pos: Coordinate | None indices: Coordinate | None def __init__(self, pos=None, indices=None): """ Initialize a cell. :param pos: Position of the cell in (x, y) format. Origin is at lower left corner of the grid :param indices: Indices of the cell in (row, col) format. Origin is at upper left corner of the grid """ super().__init__(uuid.uuid4().int, None) self.pos = pos self.indices = indices
[docs] def step(self): pass
[docs] class RasterLayer(RasterBase): """ Some methods in `RasterLayer` are copied from ``, including: __getitem__ __iter__ coord_iter iter_neighborhood get_neighborhood iter_neighbors get_neighbors # copied and renamed to `get_neighboring_cells` out_of_bounds # copied into `RasterBase` iter_cell_list_contents get_cell_list_contents Methods from `` that are not copied over: torus_adj neighbor_iter move_agent place_agent _place_agent remove_agent is_cell_empty move_to_empty find_empty exists_empty_cells Another difference is that `` has `self.grid: List[List[Agent | None]]`, whereas it is `self.cells: List[List[Cell]]` here in `RasterLayer`. """ cells: list[list[Cell]] _neighborhood_cache: dict[Any, list[Coordinate]] _attributes: set[str] def __init__(self, width, height, crs, total_bounds, cell_cls: type[Cell] = Cell): super().__init__(width, height, crs, total_bounds) self.cell_cls = cell_cls self.cells = [] for x in range(self.width): col: list[cell_cls] = [] for y in range(self.height): row_idx, col_idx = self.height - y - 1, x col.append(self.cell_cls(pos=(x, y), indices=(row_idx, col_idx))) self.cells.append(col) self._attributes = set() self._neighborhood_cache = {} @property def attributes(self) -> set[str]: """ Return the attributes of the cells in the raster layer. :return: Attributes of the cells in the raster layer. :rtype: Set[str] """ return self._attributes @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> list[Cell]: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: tuple[int | slice, int | slice]) -> Cell | list[Cell]: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, index: Sequence[Coordinate]) -> list[Cell]: ... def __getitem__( self, index: int | Sequence[Coordinate] | tuple[int | slice, int | slice] ) -> Cell | list[Cell]: """ Access contents from the grid. """ if isinstance(index, int): # cells[x] return self.cells[index] if isinstance(index[0], tuple): # cells[(x1, y1), (x2, y2)] index = cast(Sequence[Coordinate], index) cells = [] for pos in index: x1, y1 = pos cells.append(self.cells[x1][y1]) return cells x, y = index if isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int): # cells[x, y] x, y = cast(Coordinate, index) return self.cells[x][y] if isinstance(x, int): # cells[x, :] x = slice(x, x + 1) if isinstance(y, int): # grid[:, y] y = slice(y, y + 1) # cells[:, :] x, y = (cast(slice, x), cast(slice, y)) cells = [] for rows in self.cells[x]: for cell in rows[y]: cells.append(cell) return cells def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Cell]: """ Create an iterator that chains the rows of the cells together as if it is one list """ return itertools.chain(*self.cells)
[docs] def coord_iter(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Cell, int, int]]: """ An iterator that returns coordinates as well as cell contents. """ for row in range(self.width): for col in range(self.height): yield self.cells[row][col], row, col # cell, x, y
[docs] def apply_raster(self, data: np.ndarray, attr_name: str | None = None) -> None: """ Apply raster data to the cells. :param np.ndarray data: 2D numpy array with shape (1, height, width). :param str | None attr_name: Name of the attribute to be added to the cells. If None, a random name will be generated. Default is None. :raises ValueError: If the shape of the data is not (1, height, width). """ if data.shape != (1, self.height, self.width): raise ValueError( f"Data shape does not match raster shape. " f"Expected {(1, self.height, self.width)}, received {data.shape}." ) if attr_name is None: attr_name = f"attribute_{len(self.cell_cls.__dict__)}" self._attributes.add(attr_name) for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): setattr(self.cells[x][y], attr_name, data[0, self.height - y - 1, x])
[docs] def get_raster(self, attr_name: str | None = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the values of given attribute. :param str | None attr_name: Name of the attribute to be returned. If None, returns all attributes. Default is None. :return: The values of given attribute as a 2D numpy array with shape (1, height, width). :rtype: np.ndarray """ if attr_name is not None and attr_name not in self.attributes: raise ValueError( f"Attribute {attr_name} does not exist. " f"Choose from {self.attributes}, or set `attr_name` to `None` to retrieve all." ) if attr_name is None: num_bands = len(self.attributes) attr_names = self.attributes else: num_bands = 1 attr_names = {attr_name} data = np.empty((num_bands, self.height, self.width)) for ind, name in enumerate(attr_names): for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): data[ind, self.height - y - 1, x] = getattr(self.cells[x][y], name) return data
[docs] def iter_neighborhood( self, pos: Coordinate, moore: bool, include_center: bool = False, radius: int = 1, ) -> Iterator[Coordinate]: """ Return an iterator over cell coordinates that are in the neighborhood of a certain point. :param Coordinate pos: Coordinate tuple for the neighborhood to get. :param bool moore: Whether to use Moore neighborhood or not. If True, return Moore neighborhood (including diagonals). If False, return Von Neumann neighborhood (exclude diagonals). :param bool include_center: If True, return the (x, y) cell as well. Otherwise, return surrounding cells only. Default is False. :param int radius: Radius, in cells, of the neighborhood. Default is 1. :return: An iterator over cell coordinates that are in the neighborhood. For example with radius 1, it will return list with number of elements equals at most 9 (8) if Moore, 5 (4) if Von Neumann (if not including the center). :rtype: Iterator[Coordinate] """ yield from self.get_neighborhood(pos, moore, include_center, radius)
[docs] def iter_neighbors( self, pos: Coordinate, moore: bool, include_center: bool = False, radius: int = 1, ) -> Iterator[Cell]: """ Return an iterator over neighbors to a certain point. :param Coordinate pos: Coordinate tuple for the neighborhood to get. :param bool moore: Whether to use Moore neighborhood or not. If True, return Moore neighborhood (including diagonals). If False, return Von Neumann neighborhood (exclude diagonals). :param bool include_center: If True, return the (x, y) cell as well. Otherwise, return surrounding cells only. Default is False. :param int radius: Radius, in cells, of the neighborhood. Default is 1. :return: An iterator of cells that are in the neighborhood; at most 9 (8) if Moore, 5 (4) if Von Neumann (if not including the center). :rtype: Iterator[Cell] """ neighborhood = self.get_neighborhood(pos, moore, include_center, radius) return self.iter_cell_list_contents(neighborhood)
@accept_tuple_argument def iter_cell_list_contents( self, cell_list: Iterable[Coordinate] ) -> Iterator[Cell]: """ Returns an iterator of the contents of the cells identified in cell_list. :param Iterable[Coordinate] cell_list: Array-like of (x, y) tuples, or single tuple. :return: An iterator of the contents of the cells identified in cell_list. :rtype: Iterator[Cell] """ # Note: filter(None, iterator) filters away an element of iterator that # is falsy. Hence, iter_cell_list_contents returns only non-empty # contents. return filter(None, (self.cells[x][y] for x, y in cell_list)) @accept_tuple_argument def get_cell_list_contents(self, cell_list: Iterable[Coordinate]) -> list[Cell]: """ Returns a list of the contents of the cells identified in cell_list. Note: this method returns a list of cells. :param Iterable[Coordinate] cell_list: Array-like of (x, y) tuples, or single tuple. :return: A list of the contents of the cells identified in cell_list. :rtype: List[Cell] """ return list(self.iter_cell_list_contents(cell_list))
[docs] def get_neighborhood( self, pos: Coordinate, moore: bool, include_center: bool = False, radius: int = 1, ) -> list[Coordinate]: cache_key = (pos, moore, include_center, radius) neighborhood = self._neighborhood_cache.get(cache_key, None) if neighborhood is None: coordinates: set[Coordinate] = set() x, y = pos for dy in range(-radius, radius + 1): for dx in range(-radius, radius + 1): if dx == 0 and dy == 0 and not include_center: continue # Skip coordinates that are outside manhattan distance if not moore and abs(dx) + abs(dy) > radius: continue coord = (x + dx, y + dy) if self.out_of_bounds(coord): continue coordinates.add(coord) neighborhood = sorted(coordinates) self._neighborhood_cache[cache_key] = neighborhood return neighborhood
[docs] def get_neighboring_cells( self, pos: Coordinate, moore: bool, include_center: bool = False, radius: int = 1, ) -> list[Cell]: neighboring_cell_idx = self.get_neighborhood(pos, moore, include_center, radius) return [self.cells[idx[0]][idx[1]] for idx in neighboring_cell_idx]
[docs] def to_crs(self, crs, inplace=False) -> RasterLayer | None: super()._to_crs_check(crs) layer = self if inplace else copy.copy(self) src_crs = dst_crs = if not transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform( src_crs, dst_crs, self.width, self.height, *layer.total_bounds, ) layer._total_bounds = [ *transform_bounds(src_crs, dst_crs, *layer.total_bounds) ] = crs layer._transform = transform if not inplace: return layer
[docs] def to_image(self, colormap) -> ImageLayer: """ Returns an ImageLayer colored by the provided colormap. """ values = np.empty(shape=(4, self.height, self.width)) for cell in self: row, col = cell.indices values[:, row, col] = colormap(cell) return ImageLayer(values=values,, total_bounds=self.total_bounds)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, raster_file: str, cell_cls: type[Cell] = Cell, attr_name: str | None = None ) -> RasterLayer: """ Creates a RasterLayer from a raster file. :param str raster_file: Path to the raster file. :param Type[Cell] cell_cls: The class of the cells in the layer. :param str | None attr_name: The name of the attribute to use for the cell values. If None, a random name will be generated. Default is None. """ with, "r") as dataset: values = _, height, width = values.shape total_bounds = [ dataset.bounds.left, dataset.bounds.bottom, dataset.bounds.right,, ] obj = cls(width, height,, total_bounds, cell_cls) obj._transform = dataset.transform obj.apply_raster(values, attr_name=attr_name) return obj
[docs] def to_file( self, raster_file: str, attr_name: str | None = None, driver: str = "GTiff" ) -> None: """ Writes a raster layer to a file. :param str raster_file: The path to the raster file to write to. :param str | None attr_name: The name of the attribute to write to the raster. If None, all attributes are written. Default is None. :param str driver: The GDAL driver to use for writing the raster file. Default is 'GTiff'. See GDAL docs at """ data = self.get_raster(attr_name) with raster_file, "w", driver=driver, width=self.width, height=self.height, count=data.shape[0], dtype=data.dtype,, transform=self.transform, ) as dataset: dataset.write(data)
[docs] class ImageLayer(RasterBase): _values: np.ndarray def __init__(self, values, crs, total_bounds): """ Initializes an ImageLayer. :param values: The values of the image layer. :param crs: The coordinate reference system of the image layer. :param total_bounds: The bounds of the image layer in [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] format. """ super().__init__( width=values.shape[2], height=values.shape[1], crs=crs, total_bounds=total_bounds, ) self._values = values.copy() @property def values(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the values of the image layer. :return: The values of the image layer. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self._values @values.setter def values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Sets the values of the image layer. :param np.ndarray values: The values of the image layer. """ self._values = values self._width = values.shape[2] self._height = values.shape[1] self._update_transform()
[docs] def to_crs(self, crs, inplace=False) -> ImageLayer | None: super()._to_crs_check(crs) layer = self if inplace else copy.copy(self) src_crs = dst_crs = if not num_bands, src_height, src_width = self.values.shape transform, dst_width, dst_height = calculate_default_transform( src_crs, dst_crs, src_width, src_height, *layer.total_bounds, ) dst = np.empty(shape=(num_bands, dst_height, dst_width)) for i, band in enumerate(layer.values): reproject( source=band, destination=dst[i], src_transform=layer.transform, src_crs=src_crs, dst_transform=transform, dst_crs=dst_crs, resampling=Resampling.nearest, ) layer._total_bounds = [ *transform_bounds(src_crs, dst_crs, *layer.total_bounds) ] layer._values = dst layer._height = layer._values.shape[1] layer._width = layer._values.shape[2] = crs layer._transform = transform if not inplace: return layer
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, image_file) -> ImageLayer: """ Creates an ImageLayer from an image file. :param image_file: The path to the image file. :return: The ImageLayer. :rtype: ImageLayer """ with, "r") as dataset: values = total_bounds = [ dataset.bounds.left, dataset.bounds.bottom, dataset.bounds.right,, ] obj = cls(values=values,, total_bounds=total_bounds) obj._transform = dataset.transform return obj
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(crs={}, total_bounds={self.total_bounds}, values={self.values!r})"